Bose Krishnamachari – The Mirror Sees Best in the Dark


Page: 116 (82 illustrations)
Dimension: 12 x 9 in.
Hard Bound
Publisher: Emami Art

ISBN: 978-81-952617-0-3


Designed to accompany The Mirror Sees Best in the Dark, an exhibition of the thought-provoking works of Bose Krishnamachari at Emami Art, Kolkata, this exhibition book is bound to capture one’s immediate attention with its charcoal black sleek outlook. The enriching catalogue essay by Ranjit Hoskote narrates Bose’s conviction that art should be a bridge between necessity and freedom, between the domain of lived experience with all its constraints, and the domain of imaginative articulation premised on hope and change.

Through the intimate, minimalistic works and the monumental pieces, Bose continues to traverse a world where there is no primacy of territorial borders. Besides the other eight series of the artist’s works, the book illustrates his meditative series of Braille works, showing a transcultural sensibility and openness to conversations and collaborations with like-minded art lovers.


In the catalogue essay, Hoskote remarks: ‘…Versatile and socially engaged artist Krishnamachari Bose relays through his work a powerful commitment to effecting transformation in the political and cultural contexts of the historical moment… Bose’s practice has been vibrantly hybrid over a period of three decades and spans art-making as well as institution-building.’


‘A potpourri of fluid and structural forms and materials take centre stage as abstract concepts and exaggerated imagery collide in the exhibition’- Architectural Digest

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