Between the Self and Silhouettes: Soma Das. Anjan Modak.

Curated by Adip Dutta

Page: 126 

Dimension:12 X 8.5 in. 

Hard Bound 

Publisher: Emami Art

ISBN: 978 -819581456-5 


This elegant exhibition book is created to accompany the duo- exhibition ‘Between the Self and Silhouettes’ at Emami Art, Kolkata, featuring the diverse artworks of contemporary artists Soma Das and Anjan Modak. Curated by renowned artist and professor Adip Dutta, the exhibition book holds within the lavish photographs of the exuberant artworks, the views of the artists creating a mindscape firmly rooted in reality.


Although dissimilar in temperament and style, the two artists share a common ground of empathy in their portrayal of ordinary people. While Soma Das, through a continuous engaging process, captures female figures in humble domestic spaces performing chores, the miniature-like black and white drawings look like ethnographic documentary drawings.


‘The humdrum and often harsh lives of ordinary people are what Modak and Das are interested in but their approaches in most cases are as different as chalk and cheese. Where draughtsmanship is concerned, both are equally skilled. Yet how differently they deploy these gifts.’

-   The Telegraph

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