Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)SpringHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, night-flowering jasmine and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.73.6 x 43.7 in.2024
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Courting under a Chapma TreeHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.78.14 x 47.5 in.2020
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Spring in the DessertHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.73.6 x 37.5 in.2024
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)LongingHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.63.89 x 39.56 in.2023
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Songs of Nature IIIHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.16.7 x 22.2 in.2023
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Meeting by the side of the pondHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.59.6 x 33.8 in.2022
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Memories of a Faraway LandHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.72.6 x 40.55 in.2024
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Whisper of Early SpringHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from fermented iron solution, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.46.65 x 18.36 in.2024
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Flying BirdsHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.74 x 38.58 in.2021
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Songs of Nature IVHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from indigo, fermented iron solution, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.22.6 x 17.7 in.2024
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Lotus PondHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.36.6 x 56.1 in.2023
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Humming Summer IIIHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.23 x 18 in.2023
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Songs of Nature IHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.27.16 x 19.68 in. (69 x 50 cm.)2023
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Humming Summer IIHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.16.5 x 15.7 in. (42 x 40 cm.)2023
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Songs of Nature VHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.20.07 x 14.76 in. (51 x 37.5 cm.)2024
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)BihagkulNatural colour and mordant on cotton fabric17 x 14.2 in.2017
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Pakshi Gosthi IIINatural colour and mordant on cotton fabric18 x 15 in.2016
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Pakshi Gosthi IVNatural colour and mordant on cotton fabric17.3 x 14.5 in.2016
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Songs of Nature IIHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.22.6 x 18.3 in.2024
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Humming Summer IVHand-painted textile using brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.21.06 x 13.18 in.2020
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Humming Summer IHand-painted textile using a bamboo pen, brush and natural dyes derived from pomegranate rind, turmeric, fermented iron solution, indigo, catechu, alizarin, and madder on cotton cloth. Alum is used as a mordant.16.14 x 13.77 in.2023
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Pakshi Gosthi INatural colour and mordant on cotton fabric13.5 x 12 in.2016
Ajit Kumar Das (b.1957)Pakshi Gosthi IINatural colour and mordant on cotton fabric13.5 x 12 in.2017